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秋場 敬浩 - AKIBA Takahiro



秋場敬浩は、最も才能ある、他に類を見ぬピアニストの一人であり、かつて我がクラスに学んだ一人である。ロシア音楽に対する彼の特別な愛と理解は常に驚くべきものであり、それは他世界の文化の表現者のなかで稀に遭遇するものである。 それにしても、その天性の様式感覚と、難知らずなヴィルトゥオージティは、あらゆる時代のあらゆる民族の音楽における興味深い演奏家として成功する可能性を彼にもたらしている。 彼は今や既に成熟した名手だが、その更なる成功を祈念したい。  


秋場のピアニズムも凄まじい。テクニックの超絶さ以上に解釈力が冴えておりヴァイオリンとの対応とバランス感覚が図抜けている。こうしたピアニストは日本に、否、世界に何人いるだろうか?(音楽の友 2020年2月号)  







Born in Yokohama, Japan, started his formal musical study at the age of 9, with prof. Misao Minemura. In 2003-07, Akiba studied with Hideto Nishikawa at the faculty of music of the Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA) and graduated from the university with the top honors and major prizes, including “Ataka Award”. In 2007-09, he continued his studies in the postgraduate course of TUA with prof. Kenji Watanabe and received doctoral degree (D.M.A.) in 2015. He has repeatedly participated in the master classes of Vladimir Tropp (‘2003-08) and Victor Merzhanov (2004-05).

In 2009-2011, he improved his skilles at the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory under prof. Mikhail Olenev. In addition to this, he studied privately with on of the last pupils of Samuil Feinberg, prof. Victor Bunin in Moscow.

In 2015, Akiba was awarded by the former ministry of diaspora of Armenia on his dedication to Armenian music arts. In 2022, he was honorary awarded the “gold medal” of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia.

He has held recitals and performed with orchestras in Japan, Russia and Estonia. And also, he has given concerts at several international music festivals, including Tokyo Opera-Nomori Festival 2008 (Artistic director: Seiji Ozawa), Karuizawa International Music Festival (2017, 2018, Japan / Artistic director: Seiji Yokokawa), Eivere Piano Festival (2016, Estonia / Artistic director: Izumi Tateno) and Komitas International Conference-Festival (2016, 2019, Armenia / Artistic director Mhel Navoyan). He has held recitals and performed with orchestras in Japan, Russia, Estonia and Armenia.

Being an ensemble partner, Akiba has had numerous musical collaborations with such famous soloists as Arax Mansourian (soprano), Karen Shakhgaldyan (violin), Dmitry Feygin (cello), Seiji Yokokawa (clarinet), Mie Kobayashi (violin), Keiko Urushihara (violin), the Komitas Quartet and etc..

Through his numerous activities, he has been gaining a reputation for his inspired balance between energy and lyricism, especially in the works of Russian composers. His repertoire also includes works by Armenian composers.

Currently, he is teaching as a lecturer (Full-time) of Aichi University of the Arts.